
Author & Publish

Author & Publish Technical Papers, Surveys, and Other Documents

Because of the our unique role as the unbiased publisher of leading practices

Our expert documents are a significant force for advancing the financial practices and financial health of companies. Our published documents provide an independent reference material for energy company management, boards, regulators, and industry observers. These papers provide, authoritative documents that any of those beneficiaries may use when developing their own internal practices. During our research process, we often find that while some companies already follow many leading practices, these practices are not codified and universally accepted as standards.
CCRO white papers provide the codification of these practices into industry standards.

Furthermore, the on-going development of CCRO white papers challenges our industry and provides the impetus to keep best practices always advancing towards even greater efficiency and effectiveness.
The implementation of CCRO published practices are entirely voluntary for our members. However, the CCRO strongly encourages all to adopt in an appropriate manner, the practices outlined in our white papers. We believe that appropriate adoption of these practices reduces risk and enhances financial health for companies, fosters market liquidity, an, all ultimately benefiting consumers and investors.