CCRO vs. Discussion Group
Over the years there have been numerous ad hoc groups hosted by a service provider such as one of the larger consulting organizations.
In fact, the CCRO itself emerged from being a captive discussion group within a consultant in 2003. Such captive discussion groups are very diferent from the CCRO for all the reasons that our members decided to form the CCRO as a non-profit ten years ago. These distinctions make the CCRO a most compelling way to grow professionally, develop your risk practice internally, and have impact on our industry.
CCRO emerged
In fact, the CCRO itself emerged from being a captive discussion group within a consultant in 2003.
1) CCRO Members
CCRO Members meet new consultant experts from many firms
There are many valuable industry consultant/experts indeed, large and small. Looking at one of them for all your needs may be a mistake. Because the CCRO is independently funded and not a competitor in the consulting space, the CCRO is a great platform to introduce the widest diversity of service providers and experts to its members. For a decade we have introduced our members to a range of consultant/experts on every issue from compliance to project valuation to risk systems. Our Advocate companies provide a good example of some such experts.
2) Members work together
Members work together with consultant experts in a unique environment
During the year the The CCRO engages the best consultant experts as coordinators (facilitators/contributors) in our working groups. A member that works on a CCRO topic with a consultant finds a unique, low pressure way to get to know each other’s style and expertise first-hand. There is no better way to strengthen your expertise and find new resources to support your own internal efforts.
3) Members may grow their relationship
Members may grow their relationship with any preferred consultant
The CCRO with its unique independent non-profit role is not in competition with any industry consultants or experts. Thus, CCRO may make its work available to any service provider that a member might be working with internally. A CCRO member with a strong relationship with any consultant may invite that consultant to become an Advocate and get involved in CCRO initiatives and/or work products. CCRO membership then, brings one constructive way for members to further develop relationships with their favorite consultants and service providers.
4) Independent CCRO voice
Regulators want the independent CCRO voice of practitioner expertise
As a unique industry-driven professional practices entity, the CCRO is ideally suited to bring the collective voice of risk management expertise from its membership to industry. regulators. In fact, that special “industry expert voice" role for the CCRO is one of the original reasons that energy companies formed the CCRO. Consultant-hosted groups simply can’t duplicate the relationship that the non-profit CCRO has developed with regulators over the last decade. The CFTC and FERC have engaged the CCRO on numerous occasions to help clarify best practices on a range of industry challenges. In fact this year our Executive Director, Bob Anderson, is a representative on the CFTC's Market Risk Advisory Committee.
5) No hidden agenda
There is no hidden agenda, because the CCRO’s agenda is its members
The industry practices development work we carry-out is according to the interests of our members and selected and prioritized by the members. CCRO members understandably have a sense of ‘ownership’ in what we do and produce. This is perfectly reasonable because we exist solely because of our membership and can only represent the voice of our members. For us there is no "separate agenda". Our agenda is serving, protecting, and growing our membership. That's it.