A Non-Profit Organization of Companies for Best Risk Management Practices
The Committee of Chief Risk Officers (CCRO) is an independent non-profit corporation of member companies. The CCRO is dedicated to the advancement of a broad range of best practices in the field of risk management, and its many associated fields including finance, accounting, operations and audit. Meeting risk management challenges is at the core of the financial health and effectiveness of energy companies and of our energy industry overall. In its seventeenth year of business, the CCRO is today recognized in and around the industry as a premier source for independent, expert practitioner knowledge and perspective.
We are Member Companies
Members include companies of all types and sizes engaged in the energy industry, spanning the gas, power, petroleum, brokerage, and consulting industries. Most of today’s CCRO members are from the USA and Canada. All members share the need for clear guidance towards today’s best practices that support their ongoing financial health and an outlook for sustainable growth. Our member companies are continuously improving themselves and our energy industry through CCRO practice development, publication, promotion, and training.
We are Experienced Professionals
Because the CCRO is a corporate membership organization, the issues we address are diverse. Individual members represent a variety of disciplines within their organizations – not just CRO’s. Participants typically come from the risk, treasury, finance, audit, compliance and accounting offices. For these people, and others, the CCRO is a rich and unique organization for professional development.
Our Unique Role. Unlike Any Other Organization.
The CCRO is a unique and valuable opportunity for those of us that are practitioners of risk management. In 2003, The CCRO emerged after the demise of Enron put many other energy firms under great scrutiny and financial stress. The risk professionals that were involved in the nascent CCRO quickly found enjoyment and value in working with their peers especially in this constructive and non-competitive environment. The CCRO from the start was designed to go farther than just discussions about risk management practices; it was designed to be a developer and publisher of written content. Members wanted an organization that was theirs, one that could represent risk professionals from industry. By 2004, the CCRO formed itself as an independent non-profit corporation and released itself from the consultant that had been the prior host. The CCRO had become the platform for constructive industry initiatives that it is still today, almost two decades later.