Moderator - Nithya Venkatesan (Bio) CCRO Board Member and First VP of Risk at Navitas Assurance Partners
This second in a series of five webinars exploring the risk implications of the energy transition, discussed these questions with the panelists:
What is the rating organization’s approach to Sustainability/ESG scoring versus traditional ratings, and are they combined?
What are the sources of data included in your corporate sustainability assessments?
Are you seeing engagement today for corporate risk management and compliance functions around the sustainability / ESG space?
How are the auditing firms looking to translate ESG related risks to financial risks?
What assurances are you seeking to ensure that ESG-related data is timely, accurate and complete? (avoid greenwashing)
Does current participation in other sustainability indexes factor into your rating assessment?
How do rating agencies recognize the need for each company’s practical balance between the E – S – and G?
Do rating agencies utilize SASB metrics for ESG performance versus industry?
Do rating agencies utilize a standardized scenario analysis framework for sustainability financial impact analysis?
Can you see obligations around ESG turning into opportunity? Are firms searching for them?
How important do you think good sustainability scores or ESG credit indicators will be for access to capital markets as we transition toward a lower carbon energy future?
Just click to watch any of these eleven short video clips highlighting the insights from this hour-long webinar…The question posed is at the top of each thumbnail…
Webinar Panelists
Steven Estes
Advisory Partner
How is KPMG looking to translate ESG related risks to financial risks?
Paul Atkinson,
Sustainability/ESG Specialist
S&P Sustainable1
Bring clarity & better understanding of S&P’s ESG ratings and their market implications
Bill Quadrini
Head of Market Development
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Bring insights into how sustainability and ESG scoring is having an impact on companies and markets
Swami Venkataraman
Associate Managing Director
Bring clarity & better understanding of Moody’s ESG ratings and their market implications
We have posted a quick poll to help us develop a perspective on where energy company risk officers stand with respect to their role and impacts expected from ESG ratings. [All results will be anonymous]
Please take the poll now by clicking here or use your phone to follow the QR code…